Words, words, words. Who needs more? Words of Relative Wisdom.

Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo
6 min readSep 18, 2021

By Jean~Pierre Ady Fenyo, Falafel-fer of Ef-ix, etcetera…bla, bla, bla….

“Wisdom is not something anyone is born with. It is achieved through understanding what it is, having the mental self-discipline and freedom of mental exploration, thought experimentation, and infinite imagination to see the connections, the intricacies, to not get lost in the convolutions, the chaos and the complexities of ideas born of emotions and realities produced by the ignorant fools who fear and hate the Wise and Free! So Be Thyself and hide from plain view…lest the masses of idiocrats hunt you down, capture and torture you! Be Wise, be Cautious, be Daring within Reason, be the Saviour of those willing to Change their ways of Thinking, and be allergic to all others! Be!” ~ Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo, Philosopher of Ethics, etc., Author of ‘The Most Important Thought’ ( book ), Imaginator of Infinity Day Asimovian Robotonomics The Emperor of Mars The Free Advice Man

“Remember this, that when YOU tell THEM, The People, the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, TRUTH…be sure to first wear Your Knight’s Armour and Chainmail protection and Silk Gloves on Your Words! Because the World is full of dangerously ignorant and selfish-minded, inconsiderate, discompassionate, unethical and un-Scientific, illogical people…who happen to think that they are all that and you are not!” ~ Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo

…more…after totally unrelated picture…

“You can tame a Horse, a Tiger, a Bear, a Lion, even an average-minded Human, but You cannot tame an Insane Person nor an Eccentric, Non-Conformist, Intellectual Genius such as I happen to be! The only other thing you can do is become free, liberated, ethical, logical and wise or torture and murder me. My advice: tame thyself!” ~ Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo

“Replacing reality with anything-but-reality is … well … only in some instances a good thing. But let’s face it, the reality is this: we’re on the verge of a Mass Extinction Level Event that we can only stand some chance of averting if….if….iF…..IF….WE FACE REALITY! Severe Global Climate Instability is REALITY! And it mostly due to our polluting almost everything. To be more precise: mostly due to the criminals pretending to be legitimately-rich-people, who breed us and torture us so that they can control and profit of our suffering! FACT. And as George Orwell put it: “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.’ AND YOU can quote us both IF YOU really care about anything and everything that that anything depends upon.” ~ Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo

“The Pyramids were physically built, massive stone block after block, by brainwashed people who were promised a stable economy, no corruption, decent, relatively safe affordable housing, quality healthcare, further education, better lives for their offspring, and comfort in their retirement years. Not one promise was kept; with the exception of the promise that in their next life they would all live in a paradise.” ~ Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo

”You cannot run an economy of scale on the sale of religious books and beard trimmings.” ~ Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher.

“Forget about some Dystopian Future “Waterworld”, “Mad Max” and “Soylent Green” scenarios! The World we are entering is either going to spiral out of all remaining sanity and then: it’s all over, for all relevant life on Earth OR we can get our ‘sheet’ together and implement Asimovian Robotonomics and Infinity Day and Begin to Heal Our Planet and Intelli-Wisely Adapt Ourselves to the changes. Either We Also Change or We Go Down into a Mass Extinction Level Event within months to years! The time to start ending Impoverishment, Excessive Imbalances, Home-Deprivation, Pollution, Deforestation, Biospheric Ecocide…IS NOW! We Can Do This ~ Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo

“Wisdom is not something anyone is born with. It is achieved through understanding what it is, having the mental self-discipline and freedom of mental exploration, thought experimentation, and infinite imagination to see the connections, the intricacies, to not get lost in the convolutions, the chaos and the complexities of ideas born of emotions and realities produced by the ignorant fools who fear and hate the Wise and Free! So Be Thyself and hide from plain view…lest the masses of idiocrats hunt you down, capture and torture you! Be Wise, be Cautious, be Daring within Reason, be the Saviour of those willing to Change their ways of Thinking, and be allergic to all others! Be!” ~ Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo, Philosopher of Ethics, etc., Author of ‘The Most Important Thought’ ( book ), Imaginator of Infinity Day Asimovian Robotonomics The Emperor of Mars The Free Advice Man

“Remember this, that when YOU tell THEM, The People, the ACTUAL, FACTUAL, TRUTH…be sure to first wear Your Knight’s Armour and Chainmail protection and Silk Gloves on Your Words! Because the World is full of dangerously ignorant and selfish-minded, inconsiderate, discompassionate, unethical and un-Scientific, illogical people…who happen to think that they are all that and you are not!” ~ Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo

“Replacing reality with anything-but-reality is … well … only in some instances a good thing. But let’s face it, the reality is this: we’re on the verge of a Mass Extinction Level Event that we can only stand some chance of averting if….if….iF…..IF….WE FACE REALITY! Severe Global Climate Instability is REALITY! And it is mostly due to our polluting almost everything. To be more precise: mostly due to the criminals pretending to be legitimately-rich-people, who breed us and torture us so that they can control and profit of our suffering! FACT. And as George Orwell put it: “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.’ AND YOU can quote us both IF YOU really care about anything and everything that that anything depends upon.” ~ Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo

“The Pyramids were physically built, massive stone block after block, by brainwashed people who were promised a stable economy, no corruption, decent, relatively safe affordable housing, quality healthcare, further education, better lives for their offspring, and comfort in their retirement years. Not one promise was kept; with the exception of the promise that in their next life they would all live in a paradise.” ~ Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo

”You cannot run an economy of scale on the sale of religious books and beard trimmings.” ~ Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo, Philosopher.

“Forget about some Dystopian Future “Waterworld”, “Mad Max” and “Soylent Green” scenarios! The World we are entering is either going to spiral out of all remaining sanity and then: it’s all over, for all relevant life on Earth OR we can get our ‘sheet’ together and implement Asimovian Robotonomics and Infinity Day and Begin to Heal Our Planet and Intelli-Wisely Adapt Ourselves to the changes. Either We Also Change or We Go Down into a Mass Extinction Level Event within months to years! The time to start ending Impoverishment, Excessive Imbalances, Home-Deprivation, Pollution, Deforestation, Biospheric Ecocide…IS NOW! We Can Do This ~ Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo

“Every now and then my Mind comes up with a stupendously brilliant thought! Well…this is not one of those moments. But, hey…stick around friend! I may yet impress You!” ~ Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo, The Village Fool…not.



Jean-Pierre A. Fenyo

I am that I am...a lot more than the sum of who I became most famous for. The Free Advice Man, as written-up in The New Yorker magazine, was just the tip of it!